Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy, usually digital, that involves the promotion of an advertiser’s products or services by an affiliate, who receives a commission in return. This strategy is increasingly popular, as it allows advertisers to reach a wider audience and affiliates to earn money.

The success of your online (or offline) business depends largely on choosing a reliable partner for your affiliate marketing strategy. In this article, we will explore the main aspects to consider in contracting a commercial affiliate business or affiliate marketing and how this can help you protect your online earnings.

However, affiliate marketing can be complex and subject to controversy. For this reason, it is important to have a clearly and completely written affiliate marketing contract.

An affiliate marketing contract offers a number of benefits, both for advertisers and affiliates.

For advertisers:

The advantages of having an affiliate marketing contract

For affiliates:

What an affiliate marketing contract must include

An affiliate marketing contract must include a number of key pieces of information, including:


An affiliate marketing contract is an essential tool for any business planning to undertake an affiliate marketing strategy. A well-written contract can help protect the interests of both parties and promote business growth.

If you need help drafting the contract for your affiliate marketing business, write to me here:

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