The world of e-commerce is growing steadily, and with it comes the increased importance of understanding consumer rights. One of these basic rights is the right of withdrawal in online purchases, an issue that can be confusing to non-experts. This article aims to provide a clear and detailed overview of how online lemon law works and what the protections are for consumers.

What Does the Right of Withdrawal Imply?

The right of withdrawal is a right guaranteed to consumers within the European Union, including Italy, to return a product purchased online within a specified period of time.

The Basics of the Right of Withdrawal

Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal

  1. Custom Products: The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for custom-made or clearly customized products. If you sell customized products, do you know that the right of withdrawal does not always apply? This includes items that cannot be resold because of specific customizations. This is a crucial point to make clear in your terms and conditions!
  2. Sealed Goods: Products that are not suitable for return for health protection or hygienic reasons and that have been opened after delivery.
  3. Digital Content: Where the provision of digital content is initiated with the consumer’s express consent and acceptance of the loss of the right of withdrawal.

As a lawyer who also specializes in e-commerce, I want to share with you some of the most frequently asked questions (and their answers) about updates to the Consumer Code.

Take note, this information is critical!

Let’s delve further into the crucial issues on the Consumer Code!

Remember, in the digital world, prevention is better than cure. Keep your business safe and compliant to navigate the e-commerce world with confidence.

Focus on Telephone Sales and the Duties of Your Salesperson

The world of e-commerce is not the only field where the Consumer Code plays a key role. Telephone sales also has its specifics. Let’s look together at some key points:

Maintaining transparency and compliance in telephone sales is not only a legal obligation, but also strengthens customers’ trust in your brand.

This information provides a basis for better understanding your rights when shopping online, enabling you to make more informed and safer choices.

P.S.: Contact me here if you don’t want to have problems with your e-commerce:

Consumer Code – EU Legislation

Consumer Code Updates – Official Gazette

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